The Importance of Manipulation

7 years ago

Manipulation is necessary. I usually get weird looks from clients when I say that and I can understand why. It…

Drive the Feeling

7 years ago

Most of us tend to think about emotions as either good or bad, positive or negative but every emotion can…

Of Monkey Bridges and Bánh Mì Sandwiches: from Sài Gòn to Texas

7 years ago

I am not a "book recommender" in my practice, I have a core of books I suggest if clients ask…

Get your Greek on…

7 years ago

Did you know that much of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is based on the work of the Athenian philosophers (Socrates,…

States of Mind is on the agenda for today….

7 years ago

I do a pretty cool Star War's analogy for this if I do say so myself.

Four Choices

7 years ago

DBT presents us with four choices when faced with a painful situation, we tend to be really aware of two…


7 years ago

DBT and CBT are both pretty big on changing how you think as a way of changing how you feel.…

EMDR – it really isn’t that mysterious.

7 years ago

The goal of EMDR is for an individual to feel no distress or the least amount of distress possible when…

Dr. Violina Frenkel Explains TMS

7 years ago

I am very pleased to share an interview that Dr. Frenkel gave Jersey Matters on TMS, a relatively new option in…


7 years ago

Nightmares are not something you may have to live with.  There are both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic options that may help…